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Specialized Training Colleges
Главное меню > Жизнь в Швейцарии > Residence permits > For all others > Other > Обучение > Specialized Training Colleges

Aside from the university programs available in Switzerland, there are also vocational training programs that offer graduate diplomas specific to a given profession. A competent network is currently undergoing development. By 2003, it should include over 60 existing schools (advanced technical colleges, commercial and management colleges, etc.) and over 250 programs within seven colleges of higher education. Instruction for the some 18,000 students of these colleges will focus on the fields of technology, architecture, economics and design.

The seven Specialized Training Colleges are:

(Complete list...)

In addition to the aforementioned educational institutes, there are a number of private universities and colleges in Switzerland based more or less on the Anglo-American system. The programs and diplomas offered by these colleges are not recognized in Switzerland, and some them may even offer courses that are not serious branches of study. We therefore advise anyone interested in following such a course to make careful initial investigations into the issue of recognition of the qualifications that it confers. Conditions for admission also change according to the establishment, so it is best to contact the institute of your choice directly. Lists are available on Yahoo and Braintrack.

To learn about the conditions for foreign student admission in these schools, we advise you to contact the:

Swiss Conference of Cantonal Directors of Education (EDK)
College of Higher Education Council
Zahringerstrasse 25
Case postale 5975
CH-3001 Berne
Tel.: 0041 31 309 51 11
Fax: 0041 31 309 51 50
e-mail: jmeylan@edk.unibe.ch oder fwuethrich@edk.unibe.ch

© Micheloud & Cie 2013      Tel. ++41 21 331 48 48  info@switzerland.isyours.com. ??????? ????? ????? ????? ?? ????? ???? ?????????????? ? ?????-???? ????? ??? ?????? ???????????????? ??????????? ??????????. Печать из http://Switzerland.isyours.com/r/immigratsija/programmy/ucheba/higher_education.html